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设计总院股票历史股价 2023-08-31 22:08:17
股票开通otc有风险吗 2023-08-31 22:03:12
短线买股票一天最好时间 2023-08-31 22:02:59


发布时间: 2023-08-12 08:22:33

1. 渣打银行的股东组成


他们分别是:英属南非标准银行(Standard Bank of British South Africa)和印度-新金山-中国渣打银行(Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China)。


现在的渣打银行就是指渣打集团有限公司(Standard Chartered PLC)。










2. 请问在渣打银行开户炒港股是否为T+0 去香港渣打银行开户(快易理财)具体如何操作


3. 瑞银集团是哪的,渣打银行是哪的,规模多大

分类: 商业/理财 >> 银行业务

渣打银行(Standard Chartered Bank;LSE:STAN,HKEx:2888)也称标准渣打银行,是一家总部在伦敦的英国银行。它的业务遍及许多国家,尤其是在亚洲和非洲。它在英国的客户非常少,2004年其利润的30%来自于香港市场。渣打银行在伦敦证券交易所及香港交易所上市,并且是香港的三家发钞银行之一



英属南非标准银行(the Standard Bank of British South Africa),和

印度新金山中国汇理银行(1911年后译名改为:印度新金山中国渣打银行 The Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China)。


标准银行于1863年在南非伊丽莎白港(Port Elizabeth)开张。从1890年代至1910年代期间,标准银行在非洲开设多家分行,但一部分因经营困难而被关闭。

1957年,渣打银行收购了东方银行(Eastern Bank),从而获得了其在亚丁、巴林、贝鲁特、塞浦路斯、黎巴嫩、卡塔尔和 *** 联合酋长国的分行网点。

到1950年代中期,标准银行在非洲已拥有约600分行及办事处。1965年,在与原英属西非银行(Bank of British West Africa)合并后,它的网络得了充分的扩张。英属西非银行在尼日尔爾利亚、加纳、塞拉利昂、喀麦隆和冈比亚拥有分行。

1969年,标准银行和渣打银行合并,成立了标准渣打股票上市公司(Standard Chartered PLC)。

渣打随后收购了英国的霍奇集团(Hodge Goup)和华莱士兄弟集团(the Wallace Brothers Group)。在渣打股票上市公司成立之后,它的分支机构又遍及欧洲、阿根廷、加拿大、巴拿马、尼泊尔和美国。渣打收购了三家美国银行,其中包括加利福尼亚联合银行(the Union Bank of California),使得渣打获得了进入巴西和委内瑞拉的机会。

1986年,英国莱斯银行(Lloyds Bank)意图对渣打进行恶意收购,但最终由包玉刚及邱德拔联手拯救。但只有邱氏家族持股至今。

2006年3月28日新加坡国有投资公司淡马锡控股宣布,从邱德拔遗产信托手上,收购渣打银行的1.52亿股份,即占渣打股权的 11.55%,成为渣打的大股东。




渣打银行是香港三家发钞银行之一,别两家分别是中国银行(香港)和汇丰银行(the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation)。

渣打银行最近击败汇丰银行,收购了韩国第一银行(Korea First Bank)。其后易名为渣打第没指一银行

重要人物 布赖恩·桑德森,董事局主席

4. 股票术语翻译

Asian stock market, 27 London stock market opened down and then rebound, 100 Share Index finally closed at 3852.59 points from the previous day fell 30.77 points, or 0.79 percent.
On the same day, the wind vane's closing price index in April 2003 to the lowest point since, in the financial crisis from the beginning to the present, the index has dropped a total of more than 40%.
Analysts here said that the global economy, investors worried about the prospects continue to drag on financial stocks, commodities demand pressure on energy and mining shares. With the spread of financial crisis, many emerging economies are also affected, slowing economic growth, oil and metals such as reced demand, resulting in energy and mining shares fell sharply in the near future.
With the British progressive economic recession, the inflation rate is expected to fall, in order to stimulate economic recovery in the United Kingdom, in particular the real estate market, the Bank of England in the next period of time once again significantly more likely to cut interest rates, the stock market may have a certain The extent of the support role. British real estate advisory body to track the family's 27, announced in October this year, British house prices than the 7.3 percent decline in same period last year, the largest decline in history.
Bank shares continued to hover low, down 10.29% Standard Chartered Bank, Royal Bank of Scotland and HSBC were also subjected to 5.92 percent and 4.74 percent decline. However, the British Lloyds TSB Bank and Halifax Bank of Scotland respectively were 2.47 percent and 1.84 percent increase.
As the international crude oil futures prices fell below 62 U.S. dollars a barrel, energy stocks rebounded hard. British gas company fell 7.39 percent, Cairn Energy and Tullow Oil of UK decline is more than 5%, British Petroleum and Shell also have a certain degree of decline. Mining stocks also fell significantly, Xstrata and South Africa were out-long decline 8.81 percent and 7.41 percent.
However, shares the same day medicine, tobacco stocks and retail stocks rose to a certain extent, ease the stock market fell sharply. Britain's GlaxoSmithKline and British American Tobacco rose 5.06 percent and 7.19 percent, Britain Morrison and Tesco supermarket two groups were 4.5 percent more than the increase.
On the same day, the rest of Europe there are two main stock index had its ups and downs. Paris, France CAC40 stock index to close at 3067.35 points, fell in the previous session 126.44 points or as high as 3.96 percent. Frankfurt, Germany, stock market DAX index closed at 4334.64 points, higher than the previous 38.97 points, or 0.91 percent.