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設計總院股票歷史股價 2023-08-31 22:08:17
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發布時間: 2023-03-23 07:59:54

㈠ 世界范圍內哪些公司擁有液化氣運輸船LNG CARRIER VESSEL)除了韓國公司以外CARRIER VESSEL)



Purchase List (Please click the "Reg. No" to see the further Detail)

Click Reg No Ship Type Capacity Built(Year) Ship Location
P40056017 LPG/LNG Carrier 1490…2000 CBM 1991…1992 Europe
P40056015 LPG/LNG Carrier 5000…15000 DWT 1990…1990 Asia- Middle East
P40056014 LPG/LNG Carrier 2000…3500 DWT 1990…2000 Malaysia
P40056013 LPG/LNG Carrier 0…擾者0 DWT 1972…2006 Indian Ocean
P40056012 LPG/LNG Carrier 2500…3000 CBM 1992…2002 族痦?祛皰
P40056011 LPG/LNG Carrier 5000…8000 DWT 1991…2006 any country
P40056010 LPG/LNG Carrier 1500…3000 DWT 1970…1987 Anywhere
P40056008 LPG/LNG Carrier 2000…3000 DWT 1984…1998 Europe
P40056007 LPG/LNG Carrier 1200…1400 CBM 1991…2006 Asia
P40056006 LPG/LNG Carrier 1500…2500 DWT 1986…1990 Southeast Asisa
P40056005 LPG/LNG Carrier 3500…4000 DWT 1985…1990 asian water
P40056004 LPG/LNG Carrier 1200…1500 CBM 1991…1993 japan
P40056003 LPG/LNG Carrier 1000…1000 DWT 1977…1986 far east
P40056002 LPG/LNG Carrier 35000…80000 DWT 1977…1995 anywhere
P40056001 LPG/LNG Carrier 12000…15000 CBM 2000…2005 far east
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ALSTOM receives world's largest LNG carrier order from Gaz de France30 September 2003

ALSTOM, via its subsidiary Chantiers de l'Atlantique in Saint-Nazaire (France) has just received the confirmation of an order from Gaz de France for a liquefied natural gas (LNG) carrier of 153 500 m3. Its delivery is scheled for the end of 2005. This order also includes an option for a sister ship to be delivered at the end of 2006.

ALSTOM, via its subsidiary Chantiers de l'Atlantique in Saint-Nazaire (France) has just received the confirmation of an order from Gaz de France for a liquefied natural gas (LNG) carrier of 153 500 m3. Its delivery is scheled for the end of 2005. This order also includes an option for a sister ship to be delivered at the end of 2006.

This LNG carrier, which will have the largest capacity in the world, incorporates innovative technologies already developed for the LNG carrier Gaz de France energY, currently built at Chantiers de l』Atlantique; in particular diesel-gas electric propulsion system and a new insulation technology, CS1 type (foam insulation system).

This order demonstrates ALSTOM Marine's expertise in this market, for which it has already built 15 LNG carriers. It also underlines ALSTOM Marine's strategic focus on high added-value vessels, including cruise ships, ferries, naval vessels and scientific research vessels.

ALSTOM Marine』s orderbook now consists of two LNG carriers (plus one option) for Gaz de France, one ferry for SeaFrance, one scientific vessel for Ifremer, two Landing Helicopter Docks (LHD) for the French Navy built in cooperation with DCN, one 71m+ luxury motor yacht, and two cruiseships, MSC Opera for MSC and Queen Mary 2 for Cunard (Carnival group).

Press enquiries:
G. Tourvieille/ S. Gagneraud
(Tel. +33 1 47 55 23 15)
[email protected]

Investor relations:
E. Chatelain
(Tel. +33 1 47 55 25 33)
[email protected]