㈠ 求知下列關於股票的英文術語翻譯(中文),急!!!
Series A Original Issue Date 私募A原始股發行日期
Material Adverse Effect 重大負面影響
Memoranm of Association 聯合備忘錄
Accelerated Redemption Triggering Event (股份)加速贖回觸發事件
Affiliate 聯營
Restructuring Completion Date 債務重組完成日期
registered office 注冊辦公所在地
Related Party 關聯方
Series A Director 私募A的董事
Series A Warrants 私募A認股權證
Series A Warrant Shares 私募A認證股金額
Series B Mandatory Redemption Maturity Date 私募B強制贖回到期日
Series B Optional Redemption Maturity Date 私募B非強制贖回到期日
written and in writing 已錄或在錄
Share Option Plan 股票期權計劃
Special Resolution 特別決議
中文「私募基金」一詞,在國外一些國家的法典和英文大詞典中並沒有相應的詞。私募(private placement)是相對於公募(public offering)而言,是就證券發行方法之差異,以是否向社會不特定公眾發行或公開發行證券的區別,界定為公募和私募,或公募證券和私募證券。基金(fund),作為一種專家管理的集合投資制度,在國外,從不同視角分類,有幾十種的基金稱謂,如按組織形式劃分,有契約型基金、公司型基金;按設立方式劃分,有封閉型基金、開放型基金;按投資對象劃分,有股票基金、貨幣市場基金、期權基金、房地產基金等等;另從其他角度劃分,有成長型基金、離岸基金、雨傘基金、基金的基金等等。但翻遍這些基金名稱,把「私募」和「基金」合為一體的官方文件的「私募基金」(privately offered fund)英文一詞,卻未發現。
上上基金論壇: http://www.fundtop.com
㈡ 股票資產證明的翻譯
This is to certify that XXX[名字] has opened an account in our department for stock trading purposes. The account number is XXXXXXX[賬號]. The account balance as of XX[幾月] 2008 is XXXXX[資金余額] Yuan, market value XXXX[證券市值] Yuan. The total of the two items described above equals to XXXX[合計] Yuan.
㈢ 幫忙翻譯謝謝(有關股票證券)
GF Securities Company stock issued statements
This is a securities company by Guangfa Kun Lung Road Haikou Sales of shares issued on the bill. XX proved stocks of assets and stock of the situation.
Statements issued by this date for the August 4, 2009. Statements show, XX securities account held by "Black Peony" 5478 stock shares to at 11:01:59 on August 4, 2009 market value of 53,244 yuan.
Statements show that, as at 11:01:59 on August 4, 2009, XX securities account for the total assets of 53,484.99 yuan.
㈣ 股票對賬單英文翻譯
A statistical time -
Two fund balance
3, the amount available
4 preferable to cash
5 Total assets
6 Stock Information
7 Shareholders Account
8 At present the number of
9 There are a number
10 did not return to buy
11 did not return to sell
Interest return of the 12-volume
13 Latest Price
14 cost
The market value of 15 yuan
16 Hong Kong dollars worth
17 U.S. dollars market value of
18 Currency
19 water details
20 security code
21 Securities Name
22 Business Logo
The number of 23 occurred
Average turnover of 24
25 commission
26 Stamp Duty
27 transfer fee
28 receipt and payment amount
29 fund balance of
Accounted for 30 dividend
31 bank transfer deposit
32 bank transfers take
33 Securities bought
34 Securities sold
2 Hubei Yihua
3 Lutianhua
4 Jiangsu Expressway
5 China CITIC Bank
6 River Pharmaceutical
7 Fosun Pharmaceutical
8 Instrial and Commercial Bank of China
9 Chinese laborers Technology
10 Xiamen International Trade
11 Rutteri A
13 Xinxing Ductile Iron Pipes
14 Sichuan Meifeng
15 Chengde Lolo
16 Double-Crane Pharmaceutical
17 Shenzhen Development Bank A
㈤ 股票用英文怎麼說
股票的英文是shares,音標英 [ʃeəz]、美 [ʃerz]。
Keep your fears to yourself but share your courage with others.
2、n.(在若幹人之間分得的)一份; (在多人參加的活動中所佔的)一份;正常的一份;可接受的一份
Your share of the cost is 10 pounds.
1、share capital 股本
2、share certificate 股票
3、share dealing 股票交易
4、share markets 股市
5、share prices 股票價格
n. (名詞)
v. (動詞)
2、share用作及物動詞時,接名詞、代詞作賓語,可用於被動結構。用作不及物動詞時,與in連用,後可與抽象名詞連用(如the cost, the joys, the fun, troubles, the happiness等)。
n. (名詞)
take a share in, take shares in
These young men have offered to take a share in the relief work.
These monopoly capitalists have taken shares in the buying and selling of human blood.
這些壟斷資本家在血液的買賣方面有 他們的份。
㈥ 股票語言的英文翻譯(100分)
股票代碼 Ticker symbol
股票名稱 Stock Name
交易類別 Types of transactions
實時買入 Real-time buy
交易性質 Nature of the transaction
買漲 Buy up
買跌 Buy or
買入數量 Quantity to buy
賣出數量 Quantity sold
買入價格 Purchase price
賣出價格 Selling price
預買價格 Pre-buy
預賣價格 Pre-selling price
盈虧(百分比)Profit and loss (percentage)
扣除費用 Decting the cost of